Welcome to Creek for Christ Foundation

It started as a call, driven by the Holy Spirit….Having seen so many young people with both physical and learning disabilities being under looked; we decided to stand with them through giving, advocacy, bridging the gap between them and all the other kinds of young people.

We do not keep children. All undertake any activities with children in the absence of parents, guardians, but we have the opportunity to observe their welfare with in their families, churches, schools, communities. Parents, teachers, guardians remain responsible for their children welfare throughout the undertakings done by the foundation.

Our Mission

To support and empower all kinds of children regardless of their background through preaching the word of God and giving

Our Vision

To create a conducive and a safe environment which will enable all kinds of children archive their goals and live a purposeful life


We’re helping hand for

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Education is a powerful catalyst for personal growth, empowerment, and societal development. At the Creek for Christ Foundation, we firmly believe in the transformative power of education and its ability to shape a brighter future for individuals and communities. In this discussion, we will highlight the Creek for Christ Foundation's dedication to providing quality education and the various initiatives undertaken to ensure access, excellence, and equity in learning.
Craft Making
Music, dance, and drama are powerful forms of artistic expression that convey emotions, tell stories, and unite communities. At the Creek for Christ Foundation, we believe in the transformative power of the performing arts and their ability to inspire, educate, and empower individuals. In this discussion, we will explore the Creek for Christ Foundation's dedication to promoting music, dance, and drama and the positive impact these art forms have on individuals and communities.
Access to nutritious food is a fundamental human right, yet many communities face the challenge of food insecurity and hunger. At the Creek for Christ Foundation, we are dedicated to addressing this critical issue through our Bucket Project. This initiative aims to provide food support to communities in need, ensuring that individuals and families have access to nourishing meals. In this discussion, we will delve into the Creek for Christ Foundation's commitment to fighting hunger through the Bucket Project and the positive impact it has on communities.

Creek For Christ Foundation

We’re a helping hand for

2k+ Children In Uganda

We believe that hope is a powerful catalyst for change. It has the ability to ignite resilience, inspire dreams, and provide a guiding light in the darkest of times. With this belief at the core of our work, we are committed to extending a helping hand to those who have lost hope or those in desperate need for support.
Monthly Donations
Can Enable Us Save Lives
Children Served
Children For Sponsorship

Discover what’s possible when a community creates together.

We do not keep children. All undertake any activities with children in the absence of parents, guardians, but we have the opportunity to observe their welfare with in their families, churches, schools, communities

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